This week was amazing and I have no time so this time there will only
be pictures:)
God lives
Sister Barnes
This will be short, but it has been a wonderful week like always! We
have seen so many miracles and we are so blessed. This week we had
exchanges and I was with Sister Lannan from Australia, she is so
awesome! It was insane. We went finding and all of these people were
so interested in the Gospel. We gave at least 3 church tours to the
most sincere people. I can't even express how much I love the
investigators we are working with, they mean so much to me.
We had interviews with President and Sister Stevens, Sister Kinney and
I were able to share a spiritual thought for that and it was so fun.
It has been an amazing week and we have felt the spirit so strongly
Yesterday after church, members invited us all to a Portugese barbecue
and it was the best thing ever, there were at least 6 non-members
there and they all got to know the missionaries in a super comfortable
environment! Blessings. I love this work and things are going so well
in Ilford.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I've got no time!
Keep on rocking it!
Sister Barnes
To start the week off, last p-day I had two of Sister Kinney's recentconverts, Shah and Prageeth, come to surprise her in Ilford. We wereso secretive about it and she was so shocked and just burst intotears. . . It was really sweet! So we spent the whole day with themand had the time of our lives, it was so much fun!!Another highlight of the week (there are so many!!) was Amy'sbaptism!! It was so wonderful because she was able to be baptised withher boyfriend and it was a really special day for them. I found aguitar in the ward clerk's office and so I was able to play a musicalnumber at the baptism and sing with my companion and the elders! Itwas so good to pick up a guitar and be able to play again.We also gave a training in zone Conference this week about how to workwith members, we coached like 60 missionaries in front of Presidentand the AP's in central London. Good thing God qualifies the called;)It was so spiritual and such a great experience! Zone Conferencealways is.We had two exchanges this week and I was able to be with Sister Garciafrom Mexico, and we had the funnest time ever! We all got to celebratethe Fourth of July at our American members' house. It was so good toeat hot dogs and be surrounded by American flags. And also Americanaccents. Our other exchange I was with Sister Kahn from Pakistan, sheis one of my most favourite people in all the land. She speaks Hindiand so she was able to communicate with all of these people in myblessed area Ilford which is basically India. So believe me, I was inHeaven just being immersed in the Hindi language.Cool miracles!! Me and Sister Kahn went out to visit a referral thatlives super far away and so we had to demonstrate a lot of faith butit was so worth it because this guy had apparently visited the HydePark Visitors' Center and told everyone he wanted him and his daughterto be baptised. So we head out and end up meeting our referral's dad.He was this awesome old man who loves Jesus Christ and was superinterested in the Book of Mormon. Elvis is his hero. He's cool, I lovehim, and we are going back to teach him this week.Sister Kahn and I went to see yet another referral and this time theirdad was he only one home too. Another really cool (slightly less coolthan the first old man) but we shared more of our message with him andhe felt the spirit so strong. It was so cool that God led us to peoplewho we didn't plan on meeting, but who really needed us nonetheless.We had an investigator who came into church and we gave him a chapeltour. He has seen missionaries before and calls us agents of Christ,he thought we were like some secret group and it was so funny becauseI had met him on the bus and he thought I was so open and nice andthat's what made him decide to come see what church was all about. Sofunny!I love this Gospel with my whole heart!XOXOSister Barnes
We had Mission Leadership Council this week on Wednesday in centralLONDON and the zone leaders drove us. We had the most spiritualmeeting and it was so humbling to get together as leaders of theEngland London Mission and to be able to sit there with some of themost incredible missionaries I have ever met. We all came fromdifferent corners of the earth and we were all able to be focused onone thing: teaching repentance and baptising converts. The spirit wasso strong. I'm so thankful for these missionaries that I serve with,they were all so loving to me and didn't treat me like the youngnewbie I am. I learned so much!!My favorite part of the whole thing was driving back through Londonand across London Bridge. My head was literally sticking out of thezone leaders' car for like 2 hours and Elder Hinatsu stopped the carsometimes and let me hand out pass along cards to people atcrosswalks. I don't know, it was just so fun and peaceful, and Londonis so beautiful. We got to drive across the London bridge 3 timesbecause we made a wrong turn and had to go back. It was so cool. Ilove this mission.We had exchanges with the Romford sisters on Friday and I was with mybeloved MTC companion Sister Abeling! It was so amazing to spend theday as companions again, we've come such a long way! I love her somuch. We had another amazing week in Ilford, we found about 11 reallyawesome investigators and we are busier an I have ever been in myentire life!! Miracles are just surrounding us though! And we have somany investigators that are progressing towards baptism. Both us andthe Stratford Elders are preparing for a baptism his Saturday! Woooohooooo! Hope you all have a great 4th of July!God bless America!XOXOSister Barnes